Worship With Us
Fairhope Faith Church
5660 Louisville St. N.E., Louisville, Ohio

Rev. Wayne Scott, Pastor

Deadline for submissions for the September/October Beacon  is Friday, August 30, 2024.


We WILL celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion on Sunday, September 1.  This always is a special time of worship! 


Sunday, September 8 is Grandparents Sunday, so be sure to be present to be honored and blessed!   Then we head into all of our regular Fall Sundays (World Communion, All Saints, etc.).  It’s a wonderful time to be God’s Church Together!!


Sunday School. Starting September 8th. At 9:00. A new study will begin.  “TWELVE ORDINARY MEN” a study by John MacArthur.
How the Master  shaped His disciples for Greatness. We will look into the lives of these twelve men looking at strengths, weaknesses and personalities. Why choose them? Come and find the answers and study with us. Study books are in.


Sewing mission Ladies it’s time to get back to work! We will start back on Thursday Sept.5th at 9:00. We will finish up our work on the girls dresses and boys  shorts for  Africa. We have quite a few quilts ready to be knotted for Stark Co foster care. Once these are completed we will talk about any new projects we would like to work on for the new season. All are welcome to come and help, no skills required. See you soon.


Next Household giveaway September 26. Items needed: Toilet paper, bar soap, shampoo, and liquid hand soap.



Single Moms and All Women:  We are  offering a Bible study called, "Boundaries" on Tuesdays.  Doors open at 5:30 p.m. in our fellowship hall.  Dinner, support and babysitting are available.  

Giving Through Your Mobile Phone:

If you would like to give through your mobile (cell) phone, you can now click on the Google "play store" or the Apple App Store and download the Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement app.  It will ask you for the church name.  After you enter that, you can type in your email and make up a password.   Then you just put in the amount you would like to give, and follow the instructions.   

June/July 2024 Beacon

June July 2024 Beacon.pdf